Licenza SW Dual-Mode Kit

Disponibilidad: En stock

Dual-Mode for Dynomag Hub is the ideal solution for those professionals looking for more power in high-performance vehicle testing, including high-horsepower hypercars.

Main features:

  • Tests up to 1400 Hp @2000 rpm axle rpm

  • Higher precision in extreme tests

  • Dedicated software license

  • Provided kit with components to assemble



Bring your tests to the next level with this new solution for the power measurement test bench signed Magicmotorsport. With this software license and kit dedicated to Dynomag Hub, you can connect hubs in series two by two, increasing your power and torque measurement skills, and having the chance to carry out accurate and repeatable measurements on even more performing cars.

The new Dynomag Dual-Mode can reach up to 1400 Hp @ 2000 rpm. Dual-Mode is only available for owners of 4WD Dynomag Hub.

Please note: to enable the Dual-Mode, purchase the dedicated software license, then add the hardware kit. You can add it to the cart during checkout operations.

Contenido del paquete

SKU Description Quantity
DNH01.003 Dual-Mode Kit 1
DNH21.007 Dual-Mode Software License 1
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